Monday, 30 July 2012

The Broken Life Lesson Post

So, every once in a while life will throw you a curveball, and keeping with the baseball theme, this one curved up and smashed all my fucking teeth in.

Sometimes you meet someone and you just know that they are like your second half. You have the same views on the important things, but some of your interests are different, which helps it all kind of melt together.
I thought I met someone like that. We went out, and saw each other as often as possible, things were fantastic for about a month.
I went on vacation, and the day I went to leave and come home was the last day I heard from him. It blindsided me. Everything was so good until then and I have no idea what happened.

I personally feel that every boy who has ever done this, or has even slept with a girl more than once and stopped talking to her, deserves to be kicked in the balls by an angry, shod draft horse for every fucking day they haven't talked to her.
As far as I'm concerned, if you're a heartless asshole who said things like "I could see us lasting a long time" or "I would do anything for you" or any bullshit like that, you deserve to feel the emotional pain that we have to deal with.
After day 3, I'm not gonna lie, I cried myself to sleep and slumped around in a depressed state. I was crushed. I guess I still am, but it's been a week, and I figure I'm obviously not important enough to even zap a quick text to. But you know what, that's okay. There are half a dozen other guys dying to take your place and can do so very easily.
If you even read this far and feel some remorse, you'll know who you are. I know you like assholes, so I guess that should've been a warning sign.
I'd say that this was one very cruel life lesson that I ended up learning the hard way.
You can't trust anyone, especially of it seems like they are a decent human being. They're just going to fuck you over when they get the chance.

PS I found out that the fucker cheated on me and is still dating the whore. I hope they're happy together.

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