Thursday, 12 July 2012

The Rant About Not Supporting My Sport Post

My mom doesn't support my sport. At all.
Every time I ask her to do something to help me out. Like taking me to the barn, for example, she tells me I have to wait, or she's too busy. I usually have to plan a trip to the barn a couple of days in advance.
Sometimes even if I do that, she makes everything else more important and I have to wait, or I don't even get to go out.
Then there's the whole board thing. Most of the time, she tries to help, but if she does it's only $100. She's never offered to pay board, or for the farrier, or for new tack, or anything like that. I'm dead broke 98% of the time because all of my money goes to my horses and she doesn't bother to help out.
Another thing is that I can't drive. She whines and bitches and complains about driving me to the barn, even when she doesn't have to do it. I offered to pay her gas money even. Did she take it? Nope.
She doesn't watch me ride because she wants to. She does it because Atlas is dangerous and I need someone there to make sure I don't die. Last time I went out to ride, she asked if there was WiFi so that she could take her laptop out and sit in the car while I rode.
So many times, I've asked if she could take me to the tack shop, or the barn so that I could do something for my horses health, like blanket him in the winter, or even buying that blanket FOR the winter, she freaks out at me, even though all the money is coming out of MY pocket, or it's when it's most convenient for her. It doesn't matter how much I try to accommodate to her schedule, she gets mad at me for wanting to go see and ride the horses that I invested in and that I have a passion for.
It's not hard to tell who the favorite child is too.
Does he get all new hockey equipment out of mommy's pocket? Yep.
Does she willingly go watch every game? Yep.
Does she drive him to all his practices without complaining? Yep.
Does she go to tournaments everywhere and not complain? Yep.
Sounds like the complete opposite of what she does for me. Thanks mom.

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