Tuesday, 12 January 2016

The Post About Losing People

This isn't about someone passing away. This is about friends who stop being friends. And people who decide that you aren't worth their time anymore and stop calling and texting and hanging out with you.

Friendship is a hard topic for me to talk about, I have lots of friends, but not many close friends. This makes me very sad. The people that I saw as my closest friends only talk to me if I send them a text or if they need something, but someone I once thought to be one of my closest friends now just ignores me, and that really kills me.
All I have ever wanted was one of those friendships where the two of you are inseparable and know everything about each other, but you're not dependant on each other. You can go for ice cream and movies or just hang out and do whatever. You support each other and do whatever you can with each other, and neither of you ever feels alone. I need a best friend. Someone who will really be there for me if I ever need them, and someone who will laugh with me and cry with me and just be with me.
I've been really dependent on my boyfriend for the longest time and that probably hasn't been good for my friendships, I'm trying to be more independent and enjoy my life, but I only have a few people to enjoy it with, and that makes me sad.

I'm now accepting applications for someone that I can be close with and laugh with and cry with. I need someone who can be there for me and help me, because I will absolutely do the same for them, no matter what. If you're a horse person, that would be a huge bonus, but if you can just handle listening to me blabber on like a crazy person, that's okay too.

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