Friday 12 October 2012

The Unknown Blog Post of Confusion

I don't know where that title came from, I just figured that being creative would help me feel better :p I should be on top of the world right now, but I'm not, I'm actually in a substantially bad mood, and it sucks. Sometimes you're in a bad mood for no reason, and it just brings you down even more because you don't know why. This morning I bought tickets to see my favorite singer with my best friend. Totally the best thing ever right? Yeah, I thought so too. That didn't last long and since then my mood has deflated. I don't know why this happens, I don't think I ever will either, but it always ends up with me breaking down and reminiscing about all the crap I've gone through and how much I've hated my life, but then it leads to me thinking about all the amazing things and the few amazing people I have in my life and I feel a little better, but there's still an emptiness, and I don't understand why. It's unnerving and frustrating and horrendous for anyone that cares about me at all to watch me fall apart and come back together. One might even think I'm bipolar, but that's not the case. I guess some stones are better left unturned and it's best to try and move on and forget, but most of the time it's not that easy to let go of anything remotely substantial or has left any kind of impact on your life. But life happens I guess.