Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Confused Yet Happy Post

Have you ever met someone and just known that they are someone you want to spend all your time with? Well I have, and I am attempting to do so, with much luck thus far.
It's fantastic having someone who will hug me, and cuddle with me and hold my hand, I guess the whole boyfriend aspect has been missing from my previous relationships.
The problem is, I'm not sure what we are. Like at all. I feel like we could be together, but I'm still not sure.
Things are so fantastic between us, I know I feel a spark, but I'm not sure what his side is. Yes, there's an age difference, but that doesn't seem to bother him, nor does it bother me. I just feel so comfortable around him.
My poor friends must be driven crazy by me talking about him hahahah, I'm not even kidding.( If you guys actually read this, I'm sorry. )
But in all honesty, I think this is the most successful almost relationship ever, in my mind.
But really, how does one know if you are actually together or not? I mean yeah, there's the blatantly obvious "ask him" but I feel almost like I'd be bothering him, but if we were together he wouldn't care. Hmm, what a conundrum.