Saturday, 30 June 2012

The Lonely Post

This weekend is the one weekend that I need to be surrounded by people. It's the worst weekend of the year. Two years ago, on Canada Day, my life changed, and it just seems like everything is getting worse and worse. Everyone who I've ever given my heart to seems to shatter it or take advantage of the fact that I care. This is the only weekend of the year that I feel more alone and more empty than normal, and nobody seems to even know, care or even want to care. It seems like nobody wants anything to do with me, so I don't know if there's something wrong with me, or if I just need new friends. And there is no alcohol. Fuck me. :(

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

The Nobody Will Actually Care About This Post Post

Well I'm having a shitty day.
You know the days when you wake up and everything goes wrong? Today was one of those days.
I think I'm in way over my head, and I know that there is nobody here to save me.
I have abandonment issues, I'll admit it. Almost everyone I've ever loved has abandoned me in some way, shape or form.
What does this say about me?
Oh yeah, people obviously don't want to be around me. Great.
Everything crumbled apart and crushed me in the rubble today. I felt so shitty when I crawled into bed that I just burst into tears.
Yes, I cried about my life.
Crying brought up everything that I have ever cried about, so I cried harder. This just sent me spiraling downward.
I'm at the point that I don't care if anyone cares anymore because I know that they won't in the end. People are selfish, stupid, arrogant and fake.
I don't know what else to say.
I haven't been this upset in a while and I don't like it at all.
I know that nobody will call me, text me or show up at my house to give me a hug. Not just because it's after midnight, but because they don't care. People never cared, and they never will. I don't know why karma or whatever the fuck controls this sort of thing feels like I deserve this, but I know I don't. The last two years of my life have been living hell. Devastation after devastation has hit me hard, and I almost gave up. Why am I being pushed away again? I've been so happy lately, and I don't understand why it's fair that I'm dying inside.
I have nothing else to add, because I don't know what else to say or do, except cry.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Kinda Deep School's Almost Done Post

Well, we're finally down to the last hurrah. There are 10 days of school left. I can't wait to be done.
The last year has just flown by. Not only that, but it's been crazy. I feel like I'm an even more different person then I was before.
I've loved people, I've lost people, and I've probably pissed a bunch of people off. But more importantly, I've met people who have changed my life, be it for better or for worse. I think it was worth it.
To anyone I've pissed off: deal with it. I'm not here to please everyone, so suck it up and face the fact that I'm not perfect, nor are you, so shut the fuck up and stop acting like it. Honestly, if I pissed you off on purpose, there was a damn good reason, you just need to figure it out.
To anyone who has hurt me: fuck you. Thank you for making me stronger.
To anyone who has stuck with me: I love you deeply and appreciate your listening skills, even if my stories are crazy and stupid.
To everyone I have met or am going to meet: be prepared, because summer is going to be legen -wait for it- DAIRY!

PS, that should be "keep calm and bathing suit up"